As a Financial Advisor: Internal Values Project Externally

Being a Financial Advisor is work. Work means that you have to exert physical, mental, and even emotional effort to get it done. While the travel incentives and bonuses are more than rewarding, sometimes you cannot help but feel exhausted. With this, it is better to anchor yourself with certain internal values to maximize the external rewards that you receive from this job.




Purpose over Passion


If you are passionate about something, you want that something so much that you get it done and in return you feel happy right? Well… not always. Yes, passion fuels our desire and our abilities to keep pushing. However, as humans we are always changing and our passion about our goal wavers overtime just like us, it changes.


So what now?




With purpose, it is not a matter of you WANT to, it is a matter of you HAVE to, because this is your mission for not only yourself but for others as well.


Make it a purpose to help other families to secure their dreams. Make it a purpose to provide for your family. Make it a purpose to travel with your loved ones. Whatever it is make it bigger than yourself.




Thank You, Next Attitude


Make everything a learning opportunity. Whether your potential client said yes or no, you still gained something. You were able to practice your skills in explaining what you do and answer real concerns from real people. Practical experiences provide you a chance for growth. So the next time someone said no or cancelled previously planned appointment, take a deep breath and say thank you, next!




Value Your Struggle


You might be having a hard time right now, but know that these struggles will all come to pass. After that, you have your rewards. It is okay to feel that way, but to harvest your desired outcome you must keep pushing. In some way or another your sufferings shape you into a stronger and knowledgeable financial advisor.


Unlimited income, free international and local travels, and global recognition and awards are what awaits you.




- Financial Advisors Circle PH


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